Seadoors Affiliates

Affiliate Partners Program Seadoors

Sign up today and join our Seadoors Affiliates partners and network!

Join Affiliate Partners Program Seadoors, we are the leaders in the Philippines

Seadoors Liveaboard is the company which as launch the worldwide marketing Philippines Liveaboard. With its 10 years experience in Liveaboard services in the Philippines, we are the leaders on the market. Affiliate Partners Program Seadoors

Get the highest Liveaboard Affiliate Program Commissions

Generate Revenue

Start earning commissions on Seadoors Liveaboard Bookings made through your diving business. Signup in 2 clicks for free !

Booking Analytics

See in real time your bookings, statistics, money earned. The best transparency through your account. No membership fee.

Online Support

Seadoors Liveaboard Philippines Affiliate Program includes an support to help our affiliate partners to launch their business.

Direct Operator Network

You are connected direct to the diving operator network. Your commission is based on public rates. You earn way more than with a plateform connection.

Basic commission 5% of total cruise public price.

100EUR to 200EUR depending the itinerary chosen, per confirmed sale for one pax only.

Receive the best Media Tool Kit to promote Seadoors Liveaboard

Seadoors Liveaboard is a team of passionate divers, underwater photographers, underwater videographers. Get the best medias, videos, pictures to build your business and promote the best Liveaboard in the Philippines.

Affiliate Partners Program Seadoors is Fully Reliable

We pay our Affiliated Partners every month by money transfer once minimum amount is earned.

French website.


Success Stories

I signed up to Seadoors Liveaboard Affiliate Program and my business is running very well. I see a big change by being affiliate to directo operator. My commission is higher than expected ! Very trusted !

Jesseca Borbon

Head of Bogz Travel&Tours

I am a dive instructor, I use Seadoors Liveaboard Affiliate Program with my divers network. This is amazing ! I made so many conversions and earned a great amount. I never though this will be that easy money.


Dive instructor

I am a blogger from Hong Kong, I have been in a Liveaboard in Tubbataha with Seadoors. The team told me about the Affliation Program on board. I signed up to try and it works pretty well. I got traffic from Hong Kong divers and China also !

Fey Wang

Blogger, Hong Kong

Signup the Affiliate Partners Program Seadoors here :

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